
Monday, July 29, 2013
37 Week Update
How Far Along? 37 weeks-FULL TERM!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: +40lbs as of our dr. appt. today....yeah WOW!!!! I know......
Maternity clothes? Nothing new lately, getting really tired of the same 10 items I wear and re-wear every week, but really not wanting to buy anything new at this point. Trying to come up with new combinations of things to wear while trying to stay cool when it is hot out....
Stretch marks? No stretch marks are visible, but I heard you don't really see them sometimes until your tummy shrinks back down to a normal size and that is when you see what stretched out throughout the pregnancy. Oh well, it's all part of the pregnancy deal isn't it?
Sleep: Not as bad as I always heard it was. The one thing I have always heard from pregnant friends is how horrible the sleep is at this stage. Yeah, it's not a bed of roses, but it's not horrible. I have been getting up more than once a night the last week to use the restroom, sometimes 2-4 times more but I assume that is because the baby is dropping, which is good news in my opinion:)
Best moment this week: We had our 37 week appointment this morning and our Dr. informed us we are going to have another ultrasound next week to check his size!!! I just about jumped off the table I was so excited!!! Best part of my week so far, and it's only Monday!
Miss Anything? Not being pregnant. I can't say I have had the most horrible pregnant, in fact, I know I have been extremely lucky, however, I just am so tired of just being pregnant. I am uncomfortable, weird things are happening to my body-unspeakable things, I will spare you the details:) I am swollen and hot....although the weather has been GLORIOUS this week!!! But, I am swelling all over the place, my feet and ankles are the worst. You can see it in my face in this picture also. Definitely more so than compared to my 34 week picture.
Movement: Baby B is moving down.....just where he needs to be, I know this due to the increased pressure and the constant use of the bathroom, more than I already go! Some days I feel like his kicks and jabs are going to break out of my stomach! Also, he has hiccups like every other hour-I swear this kid is always hiccupping!
Food cravings: Watermelon!!!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just being so tired makes me feel sick, and it's not 1st trimester kind of tired where you just want to sleep. This is: my body is tired, I don't want to move, all I want to do is just lay down on a comfortable couch or bed and just relax in comfortable clothes.
Have you started to show yet: I can't even justify this with an answer:)
Gender prediction: Boy
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? On and Off throughout the day-like I mentioned, the swelling......
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty Happy! Dr. said to keep the smile on my face, she likes to see me so relaxed and happy in my appointments. I feel like she thinks I am going to beg her to get this baby out of me at some point, but I am not going to get my hopes up on having an early baby-I am committed to at least the next three weeks of being pregnant:) And the very latest we will go is August close, so do-able
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound next Wednesday the 7th!!!!
Labor Signs? Maybe Braxton Hicks? I really have no clue what I am feeling. Increased pressure (down there), tightening of my belly, who knows......
Anything Else???? Spent a lot of time last week and weekend picking up the remaining items on our list for Baby's room before he makes his arrival. I feel pretty good about it being finished, just a few last finishing touches this week and next. I have also started packing mine and Bennett's bags. Installed the car seat, put together the stroller, set up the swing in our living room. Our house looks like a baby lives there, now we just need a baby:)
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