

Thursday, August 8, 2013

38 Week Update

I have been wanting to put together a collage of my chalkboard pictures!! I love looking at the progression. I apologize for not having a chalkboard picture for week 38 (and most likely week 39). To be honest, they are REALLY hard to do anymore. I have to lay down on my side, or tummy, and write on it, which has gotten much harder the larger I get........I promise IF and WHEN I make it to 40 weeks, I will do one last one......but until then, you get the selfie below:)
How Far Along? 38 weeks-actually 39 weeks tomorrow Friday!

Total weight gain/loss: +41 lbs

Maternity clothes? Bought a couple of NON MATERNITY items today at Old Navy!!! It was exciting to know that in a few weeks I can actually go back to wearing non maternity items:) I know, it will take some time to take off the weight, but the things I bought were comfy/baggy items that I should be able to wear again sooner rather than later, it seems unreal to me!!!

Stretch marks? Still clear!

Sleep: Getting up to use the restroom much more often this week-2-3 times a night at least, every 2-3 hours. Must be because baby is lower and pushing down into my bladder more, which is fine with me!

Best moment this week: Our ultrasound at our dr. appointment on Wednesday. We found out Bennett is approx. 7 lbs 10 oz. and he has lots of hair on his head:) We cannot wait to see all that beautiful dark hair!!

Miss Anything? I know I complain about actually being pregnant, but I really will miss PARTS of being pregnant. Right now, I am the only person who understands how my baby moves, and I will miss having that one and only bond with him. But I am so ready to share him too!

Movement: He is moving down, which is great news. Dr. said he is situated low in my pelvis and the pain I am feeling in my hips and the pressure I feel are both good signs.

Food cravings: Fruit, cereal, ice cream-the usuals

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing at all

Have you started to show yet: Yep

Gender prediction:  Boy

Belly Button in or out? Flat

Wedding rings on or off? On and off still depending on the swelling

Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy, but very uncomfortable at the same time. I am SO ready to be done being pregnant. I cannot wait to meet him, see what he looks like, watch Josh hold him for the first time, wake up with him in the middle of the night, rock him, take him for walks, everything!!! I was a little sad after our dr. appointment this week-for some reason I thought I would walk in and he would say, yep let's go have a baby today! But I know he will come when he is ready, and god has a plan for him and he will come when he is healthy and ready.

Looking forward to: Getting this next week over with:) Our dr. thinks we will be back at our appointment on Wednesday the 14th so it doesn't sound like we will be having a baby in the next 5-7 days, but you never know!

Labor Signs? Tightening all over, pushing down (down there.....), hip pain (dr. said from the pushing down, he is widening them) I am currently 1.5ish cm dialated (he said he would be generous and just give me 2....thanks doc) and 80% effaced. So we are making progress!

Anything Else???? I am trying to document everything we do in these last couple of weeks. I want to be able to look back on pictures and know that that was the biggest and last picture of me taken! We went to the farmers market on Saturday to attempt to walk him out, I have taken a few other walks throughout the week also. Picture below is of Josh and I at the farmers market. This weekend I am getting a final pre-natal massage (cannot wait!!!)



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