

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 Month Update

Update:  Bennett is such a little boy now! He is no longer our little newborn:( It amazes me everyday the personality he is developing. Bennett started daycare this past week, and so far he has been extremely good (or so we hear....). His smile just melts our hearts, and he is SO close to laughing! We get some good "almost" laughs out of him.

  • Silly Noises-especially a farting noise we make with our mouth
  • Patty Cake, Old McDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • His reflection in the mirror-he just cracks up looking at himself!
  • Loves Bathtime
  • Getting out of the bathtub
  • Getting lotion put on him
  • Being woken up
Stats: No stats this month, we won't know anything about weight/height until next month.
Features: Dirty blonde hair, lost most of it where he lays his head but it is growing back. Has a cute little mullet right now, the only area where his hair didn't fall out was right above his neck. Blue/Grey eyes that just sparkle when he smiles!!
Sleep: We have a baby who can sleep through the night! The first night Bennett slept through the night was Oct 26th, the night before our 1st wedding anniversary, it was such a great gift. Most websites/books will tell you babies are "sleeping through the night" if they sleep 5-6 hours at a time. We decided "sleeping through the night" meant, when we don't feel it necessary to put him back to sleep for the day. Since Oct 26th, he has consistently gotten better about sleeping through the night. He will sleep from 8:45PM-6:00AM most nights. Some nights he will wake up around 4AM but go right back down to sleep. Bennett is so easy to put down at night, he hardly ever cries. He is so ready for bed when we put him down. Some nights he will wake up around 2AM and whine for about 10 minutes, but we have learned to wait it out for a little bit, he usually ends up falling back asleep. Bennett HATES being woken up, he wants to wake up on his own terms....especially from naps.
Eating: 4-5 oz. every 2-3 hours. He is still nursing when we are at home, and at daycare he is taking bottles of mama's milk. He also takes 1 bottle of formula a day, usually right before bed. We will take formula out with us if we run errands, it is just so much easier to transport and prepare for him.
Diapering: We upgraded to size 2 diapers this week, so sad to see that his little baby diapers are getting bigger and bigger!
Clothes: Wearing 3-6 month clothes, and even outgrowing some of those too! It is amazing the differences in sizes among different brands! I am going to be sad to put some of these clothes away eventually, I have some favorite outfits!
Social: He is so smiley and loves to play with the dangling toys on his play mat or the bouncer. We joke that the octopus on his play mat is his best friend, he just LOVES holding onto and batting at him. He isn't grabbing for toys quite yet, but we can tell he wants to. Bennett discovered his tongue this month, and it is almost always being stuck in and out. He also drools EVERYWHERE!!! He loves to coo and tries to copy our sounds and faces we make. Bennett is so good with people, he doesn't mind who holds him, and we can take him pretty much anywhere, as long as he isn't hungry or tired.
Mama: I officially went back to work on the 7th. As of today, I have been back a week. I was looking forward to going back to work. I love the identity working gives me. I miss Bennett SO much during the day, and I am always wondering when he is eating/napping/etc. But it is so good for us to be back into a routine. The hardest part of the day, is getting out the door. My days are busy and life is hectic, but I love every second.
Daddy: Josh spent the first three days with Bennett when I went back to work. I think it was so good for him to spend that time with him. Before that, he really hadn't spent a good amount of time with him (other than an hour or two) without me around. He and Bennett are best buds, Bennett loves hearing the sound of Josh's voice. Josh also takes over in the morning, if I go to workout, so if Bennett gets up between 4:45-5:45 he feeds him and tries to put him back down, it makes for an early morning for him too, but we are a team and together we make it work
Happy Smiles in the morning!
Not too sure about this new toy, still too small for the saucer. And that turtle is staring at me.....
Playing is such hard work......
Daddy feeding and rocking Bennett to sleep
Such great smiles!
Mommy cannot get over how cute this hat is!!!
Practicing balance and sitting up
First Halloween-our little pumpkin!
Daddy and Bennett playing
Sometimes I get to sleep in mommy and daddies bed:)
Yes, I slept through the night and Yes, I woke up at 5 AM-but that's ok!
I just can't resist a good crying picture-even when he cries he is cute!
Mommy's last day of maternity leave
Such a big boy in his bumbo
Daddy and Bennett hanging out at mom's first day of work-causing trouble together
Daddy also didn't get Bennett dressed most of the day
Loving bumbo sitting again
I wanna be just like my dad
Sometimes we hang out naked.....actually most nights we do, keeps Bennett happy for a little while longer until bedtime
Bathtime is so much fun, especially with these cool new squirty toys!

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