

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our day in photos.....

I saw another blog do this and I thought it was really cool. Let me tell you, it is a lot harder than it looks. I have wanted to try to do this for around 2 weeks and every morning I forgot to start taking pictures right away.
Enjoy! This is how we spend most of my days......
6:00 AM-6:30 AM-Bennett usually wakes up for the day. I have tried to put him back to sleep but nope, he won't have it, look at that smile at 6 AM, ready to play!!! So I feed him, bring him into our bed to hang out with Josh and I,and hang out with him while daddy gets ready for work.
Attempted to put Bennett in his crib to hang out for a while and I laid back down in bed, but this only lasted a couple minutes, right when my head hit the pillow.
6:30-7:30 AM-Hanging out in bed while Daddy gets ready for work
By around 7:30 AM, Bennett is ready for a little nap, we usually nap together in bed for half an hour or if I am lucky, an hour!
8:30 AM-9:00 AM-After Bennett's next feeding we get ready for the day and head downstairs to eat breakfast and play. Bennett LOVES his play mat, he has recently started loving it and stares at himself in the mirror more than anything.
10:00 AM-11:00 AM-usually down for his second nap of the day, which typically is right here on my knees while I watch tv or browse the internet. This nap is usually around half an hour again. After this nap, he eats again, daddy comes home for lunch and they play together and by around 12:30 or 1 PM he is ready to go down for his long nap for the day.
12:30 PM-3:00 PM Nap Time/Mommy Time!!!! Bennett has gotten really good at taking one good long nap a day. I have tried to get him in the habit of napping in his room where it is darker and quiet. Here in this picture he is waking up from his long nap in his room.
3:30 PM-4:30 PM-After his long nap, he eats again, and then we play until Daddy comes home from work. Bennett loves his vibrating seat too, he loves how it is elevated and he can look around. Sometimes we face it outside and he loves watching the sky, birds, or whatever else catches his eye.
4:30 PM-Daddy comes home from work!!! Josh loves spending time with Bennett when he gets home from work. Good time for me to finish some housework, start dinner, or even shower:) I recently started working out again so daddy/Bennett time is spent during that also.
6:30 PM-8:00 PM-After dinner, Bennett usually eats 1 or 2 more times before bed, we hang out as a family and watch tv or play. He hasn't really enjoyed his swing too much, but he is getting more and more into it as of lately. Hard to catch a clear picture when it's moving:)
8:00 PM-8:30 PM-get ready for bed! Bennett LOVES to be naked, he is always very smiley when he is "nakey." He is usually struggling to keep his eyes open by this point, so we start to get him ready for bed with a bath (every other night), diaper change, jammies, feed him, and rock him lightly. I have recently started to put him down drowsy so he can learn to fall asleep on his own and it has been working really well! He is SO ready for bed by this point.
Overall, Bennett pretty much set this schedule himself:) He has been (mostly) good everyday. Sometimes we have rough nights, and our days get a little mixed up, but that is to be expected. For the most part he follows this routine pretty closely. I did some research on the "Eat, Play, Sleep" routine, and without even trying to do it, he started doing it on his own! He will eat for 15-20 minutes, play and hang out for 30-60 minutes, and then fall asleep for a short cat nap or his long nap of the day. Seems to be working very well for us!
Overnight, Bennett is down by 8:30 or 9 PM and he will wake up once around 2:30 AM to eat and have a diaper change and then go back down until 6 AM, and then we do it all again.

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